We'll update the Fix it as soon as possible when new updates for the game are released. You will always find the latest game update/Fix on this page, so be sure to check back when a new update has been released for the game. This Fix makes it easy for you to update your game to the latest version, without running any installers. Sometimes though you may not need the Ultimate fix please always check the TS4 Must-read to find out about the latest information and install order of Games4theworld The Sims 4 items. This is the name we give to smaller The Sims 4-updates, that are not on our downloads-page. To keep up with the "Ultimate Fixes" tradition, here's our The Sims 4 Ultimate Fix. > ~If you wish to stay up-to-date with the latest :registered: Games4theworld The Sims news, please join THIS mailinglist!~ <<= No one is going to work faster if everyone keeps shouting that THEY want it cracked RIGHT NOW. Also note that none of the Scene groups have an "official" website, so cracks found elsewhere might be fake or contain viruses.

Therefore please DO NOT ask us when a new Fix will be available, because WE DO NOT KNOW. If the Ultimate Fix is not up-to-date it means that we are waiting - just like you are - for someone from a Scene group to crack it, before we can update the Fix. NOTE: Games4theworld is not creating the crack for The Sims 4.